Buying from Nebraska Furniture Mart in Dallas Fort Worth?Dissatisfied customer: Order # 94501896

5600 Nebraska Furniture Mart Dr, The Colony, TX 75056

Look at their BBB Complaints and lowest rated google reviews prior to purchase

For order # 94501896 they refuse to replace faulty sqeeky bed and honor the warranty

What good is it to have a Squeeky bed in 6 months of purchase and NFM telling to get store credit for bed or 50% for bed when  you bought a whole bedroom set and not just the bed?

Do you drive car with front seats having different pattern?  

Shouldn't NFM replace whole set and not just the bed? Also what if the price is different now if they issue store credit? Why do customer have to pay more for no fault of customer and when additional A-Z warranty was purchased for 5 years?

Ask for Warranty Information

Ask for specifics  of the Warranty i.e both Manufacturer and Extended Warranty. Their salesmen always push for extended warranty saying that everything A-Z is covered and when you ask for warranty help, the customer support do not provide warranty related fine prints.

Write to them citing specific sections of warranty. Send them demand letter if you have a point.  Want Class Action? I'll shortly add a link if you want to participate.

File FTC and BBB Compliant and Google Review

File FTC Compliant on your matter as well as BBB Compliant 

Write details of your issue on google. You will get a cookie cutter reply from their customer service team and you may not get any help but every review helps.

Fake reviews? Write to FTC

It seems that NFM is using paid agents to push up their ratings. Now there is a rule of banning fake reviews. Report any paid/fake review you com across to FTC

Go to small claims court and seek compensation

Small claims courts focus primarily on monetary damages and financial losses. While there could be some exceptions or local custom regarding "quantifiable loss,"  it is worth asking. Small Claims courts usually favor consumers. 

Make sure you follow the thread of filing complaints. Do record your calls with Customer service. it can be used as evidence